A hospice approach to relieve the physical and psychological burden of working men and women caring for terminally ill and dying relatives.
Duration of the project: July 2022 – April 2024
The IMRO Project is co-financed by Norway with assets of the Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014 – 2021 at the amount of 499.740,00 € The purpose of the project is to unburden employed men and women who work as informal caregivers of elderly, chronically ill or dying family members in various environments.
The Slovenian Hospice Association, in cooperation with project partners within the framework of the IMRO project, prepares various events and support and relief activities aimed at all working men and women who care for a chronically ill, dying or elderly family member, as well as all those who are dealing with an illness or face the aging process themselves.
is to unburden employed men and women who work as informal caregivers of elderly, chronically ill or dying family members. The Slovenian Hospice society (the project promoter), collaborationg with project partners, will reach the objective by developing suport services that encourage work-life balance:
– Developing a programme for the integrated model of elderly care.
– Establishing the model for integrated elderly care in urban areas.
– Establishing the model for integrated elderly care in rural areas.
– Undertaking a study on observing the development of two integrated models for elderly care.
– Developing measures within the framework of the “Compassionate company” certificate.
Klicev v okviru klicnega centra "Dobro jutro, sosed"
Izvedenih aktivnosti za ciljne skupine v okviru programa integriranega modela skrbi za starejše
Izvedenih izobraževanj za ciljne skupine projekta
Izvedenih razbremenilnih aktivnosti za ciljne skupine v sodelovanju s šolami
The project addresses an issue which is becoming more frequent as the population grows older. Expectations of our professional lives cause distress to employed people that are at the same time informal caregivers of a gravely ill family member.
In Slovenia, there are about 200.000 family members caring for elderly, chronically ill or disabled next of kin. By their contribution, informal caregivers (under-aged included) significantly take the stress off health systems, while they themselves often remain an unseen and vulnerable part within the system of provision. They are exposed to work overload and often do not have the access to professional support and help.
Target groups of the project:
*Employed men and women (family members of dying patients and patients with terminal chronic illness, including vulnerable groups of employed people that are more present in rural areas: farm women, young employed persons, college students, people employed in tourism, farmers);
*family members of employed persons (elders in need of help with their day to day activities, terminally ill, chronically ill, dying persons);
*children who work as informal caregivers of at least one family member;
*local volunteers;
*management personnel in companies;
*the expert community (decision makers and coordinators of palliative and long-term care).
Izboljšani ukrepi
Usposobljenih oseb
Uporabnikov storitev
Udeležencev splošne javnosti
Vir fotografije: Mestna občina Ljubljana
Vir fotografije: arhiv Centra Rinka
Imate vprašanje o projektu ali pa potrebujete dodatne informacije?
Pišite nam na e-naslov imro@hospic.si ali pa nas pokličite na telefonsko številko 041 365 731 ali 041 365 783.
This subpage was designed with the financial support of the Norway Grants and EEA Grants. The page content is the responsibility of the Slovenian Hospice Society only, and by no means shares the views of the Promoter of the Programme Education, Scholarship, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship.
The Norway grants and the EEA Grants present Norway’s contribution to the green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
The Norway grants, financed by Norway only, are meant for countries that became members of the EU after 2003. The total amount of assets within the Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014 – 2021 is € 1.25 billion. The five focus areas of this period are:
#1 Innovation, Research, Education and Competitiveness;
#2 Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction;
#3 Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy;
#4 Culture, Civil Society, Good Governance, and Fundamental Rights and Freedoms;